Learn more about the Orateruul Project | A Cultural, HIstorical , and ECological GUide

Orateruul, Ollei, Ngarchelong

Marine Program

Our marine programs feature giant clam and sea cucumber restoration efforts, dugong monitoring, beng (fish weir) restoration, seagrass ecology, and women aquaculture.

Education Program

The environment and community is our classroom! Featuring the famous Ebiil Camp, our educational programs are fun and meant for all ages. Other programs include the Decolonizing Social Science Research Program, Outdoor Classroom, University Programs, and Too Good For Drugs and Alcohol.

Forestry Program

Our forestry programs focus on forest restoration efforts, wildfire prevention, watershed protection and management, and our forestry classroom. Our very own plant nursery features a variety of plants that we grow and share with community members.

Get Involved ♥.


Ebiil operates successfully due to the combined efforts of leaders, staff, and community members. Ebiil works with multiple local and international partners to share resources and technical expertise on project planning and implementation. Such partners include Protected Areas Network (PAN) Fund, The Nature Conservancy, Palau International Coral Reef Center (PICRC), JICA Palau, Stanford University, Oregon State University, and etc. Ebiil also works with multiple local community partners throughout Palau, including state governments as well as women and men community groups from Ngardmau, Ngiwal, Ngarchelong, Aimeliik, and numerous PAN sites.

The Story of Bekai ma Uel

My Land, My water, my home. May I Be as beautiful and kind to you as you have been to me.

Ebiil Gallery

Support Ebiil Society, Inc.

Contact Details

  • Location

    Ollei, Ngarchelong, Palau

  • Mailing Address

    P.O. Box 813 Koror, PW 96940

  • Phone

    +680 855-2676

  • Email


Palau Sustainble Fisheries